
The video clip to Winterherz presented here was originally intended as nothing but a clip show (as the in-video title shows) and in the very first version it even featured music by The Cure - only for copyright reasons a last minute decision replaced it with Winterherz (cutting the outtro). All clips were found on YouTube.

For Du fällst Farblos recorded an actual music video (the only, so far) with Richard Eismann of Eismannfilm, filmed in a 16th centaury vaulted cellar in Kirberg (thanks a lot to Markus Stein). It was Richard's idea to film in VHS to have that retro feel.


For Diurnal Masque there's basically just the artwork, while the clip for Auf der Schwelle uses Alice K.'s original photography along with others from the same shooting plus the lyrics. The cover song Hazy Shade of Winter basically also has the artwork only, plus credits, of course.